3521 West Broward Blvd., Suite 206,

Lauderhill, FL 33312

(954) 622-8121




The Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT) Program includes a comprehensive care model to treat persons with opioid use disorders that features phased treatment:

  • An induction phase
  • An intensive outpatient stabilization with integrated primary care services
  • A maintenance phase with ongoing peer support, medication management and a compendium of supportive services and a Peer support services are utilized throughout all phases of the program

MAT programs will prioritize the high-risk populations: pregnant women, intravenous drug users, women with dependent children aged 0-5, parents involved in the child welfare system, minorities, persons with HIV/AIDS, and consumers with criminal justice involvement. A Recovery-Oriented Systems of Care model is utilized to provide comprehensive, continuous care to treat the consumer.

MAT programs utilize the following evidence-based models: 1) Emergency Initiation of MAT and Integrated Prenatal Care following the SAMSHA guidelines; 2) Medicaid Home Health Model for the Treatment of Opioid Use Disorders; and 3) Detoxification – Office-Based Opioid Treatment.

MAT Programs will include both medication maintenance with Subutex (Buprenorphine), Suboxone (Buprenorphine/Naloxone) or Vivitrol (Naltrexone) and medication-assisted detoxification/taper with Subutex or Suboxone. Additional services include a harm reduction program for caregivers and consumers who are trained on the proper use of the Narcan Kits. Consumers will receive treatment that is integrated and coordinated within all primary, acute, and behavioral health settings.

MAT services include:

  • Aftercare
  • Case Management
  • Crisis Support/Emergency
  • Day Treatment
  • Incidental Expenses (excluding housing/rental assistance and direct payments to participants)
  • In-Home and On-Site
  • Medical Services
  • Medication-Assisted Treatment     (methadone     maintenance, buprenorphine maintenance or oral naltrexone)
  • Outpatient
  • Outpatient Detoxification
  • Outreach (to identify and link individuals with opioid use disorders to medication- assisted treatment providers)
  • Recovery Support
  • Supported Employment
  • Supportive Housing/Living

Outpatient services will include care coordination through all levels of care, health promotion through integrated primary/behavioral health clinic, transitional care/follow up services, peer recovery support services, consumer and family support, access to consumer-run Drop-In Centers and comprehensive substance abuse and mental health treatment. The MAT teams will ensure that consumers with opioid use disorders who are seeking treatment will have access to evidence- based, medication assisted treatment services.

Banyan Health Systems
Primary Megan Betancourt (754)444-3253 [email protected]
Secondary Ileana Garcia (954)327-4060 [email protected]
Broward Addiction Recovery Center
Primary Christina Boggs (954)357-4863 [email protected]
Secondary Vallanice Walker (954)357-4837 [email protected]
Memorial Healthcare System
Primary Claudia Vicencio (954)276-3403 [email protected]
Secondary  Elise Preira (954)276-3429 [email protected]

MAT Programs will provide an integrated, phased program to promote long-term stability and recovery. Throughout each phase of treatment, medication assisted treatment services will be delivered in conjunction with psychopharmacology/medication management services, psychotherapy/counseling services, primary care services and peer recovery support services. The phases of treatment are induction, stabilization and maintenance. Consumers also have the option of detoxification. The phases of treatment include specific services as follows:

  1. Induction Phase (One-week induction period, includes Assessment and Medical Services):
    • Psychiatric evaluation
    • Physical
    • Biopsychosocial/ Initial treatment plan
    • Labs
    • Medication Reconciliation
    • Daily Clinic Visit
      • Medication Administration/Observation
      • Medication Management
      • Medication Education
      • Evidence Based Assessment
    • Individual Recovery Support